CZ / EN / DE

Criminal law

In the field of criminal law, we provide legal services to persons injured by a crime or misdemeanour as well as witnesses. We represent persons in the position of a suspect, accused or convicted.

Clients may contact us prior to the commencement of criminal or misdemeanor proceedings and use our services throughout the proceedings.

We provide legal representation in first instance proceedings and in any appeal proceedings. We draft specialized pleadings, from criminal charges to ordinary and extraordinary appeals.

We represent victims of crime, including so-called particularly vulnerable victims (children, victims of abuse or sexualised violence, etc.).

We ensure maximum protection for victims and strive by all means to ensure that proceedings before the relevant public authorities do not cause their further traumatisation. We provide legal assistance in pursuing a claim for compensation in criminal proceedings.

Koreček Law Office

JUDr. Slavomír Koreček

Dolní 3088 (Pasáž Lucerna)

Havlíčkův Brod

580 01


Telephone No.: +420 721 685 743


Data box ID: aa4g7dz

Business ID: 71462490

Czech Bar Association Registration No.: 11521
