CZ / EN / DE

Family law

We provide legal services upon divorce, whether it is by agreement or by litigation.

We offer assistance in the adjustment of alimony and the relationship to minor children for the period before and after the divorce and in matters of marital property. These services also include the subsequent enforcement of relevant agreements or court orders.

We provide legal representation in guardianship proceedings and divorce proceedings, or in other proceedings related to marriage and family.

We offer legal support and advice to clients dealing with legal problems related to the illness or death of a family member.

Koreček Law Office

JUDr. Slavomír Koreček

Dolní 3088 (Pasáž Lucerna)

Havlíčkův Brod

580 01


Telephone No.: +420 721 685 743


Data box ID: aa4g7dz

Business ID: 71462490

Czech Bar Association Registration No.: 11521
